Explore Team Member Roles And Join Us



Our Vision

The Outreach Team is the hands and feet of Trinity Church to our community. Trinity Church values loving every person in every part of our community. We express the grace and love, expressed to us by God, to everyone within our reach by identifying and filling felt needs (food, clothing, etc.,) and sharing the good news about Jesus. 



Team Member Roles And Descriptions

  • Description Sandwich makers prepare 200 sandwiches to be distributed to those without a home in Atlanta on the second Thursday of each month. Sandwich makers prepare the sandwiches and deliver them to Trinity Church on or before the second Thursday.


    • Commitment to Trinity and leadership

    • Loving and willing heart

    Direct Report Outreach Director

    Time Commitment one to two hours monthly

    For more info and to sign-up: frankie.johnson@tri-church.com

  • The Compassion Team meets on the second Thursday of each month at Trinity Church to minister to the needy of downtown Atlanta. Bringing food for the hungry, coats and warmth to the cold and homeless, and resources for those wanting help from addiction, homelessness and more, the Compassion Team is serious about bringing freedom to the oppressed and hope for the hopeless. The team meets at Trinity, rides together to Atlanta and returns back to the church.


    • Commitment to Trinity and leadership

    • Compassion for the needy

    • Physically able to walk and stand for medium periods of time

    • At least 13 years of age. Children age 13-16 must be accompanied by an adult.

    Direct Report Outreach Director

    Time Commitment second Thursday of each month. Meet at Trinity at 5:15 pm and returns by 9:30pm.

    For more info and to sign-up: frankie.johnson@tri-church.com

  • MTLT (Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders Today) is an outreach program geared toward reaching young men through basketball. Every Sunday afternoon, develop relationships and share Jesus’ love. Provide oversight, refereeing, and devotions. 


    • Commitment to Trinity and leadership

    • Communication and relationships with teen boys.

    • Men age 17 and older

    Direct Report Outreach Director

    Time Commitment Sundays from 2 to 4 pm in the gymnasium

    For more info and to sign-up: frankie.johnson@tri-church.com

  • The transportation team provides a ride for those who would attend Sunday services but do not have access to a car. Team members pickup and drop off from neighboring communities in a Trinity Church mini-bus on Sundays.


    • Commitment to Trinity and leadership

    • Needs to be 21 or older 

    • A valid drivers license (CDL not required)

    • Must complete a safety course provided by Trinity Church

    Direct Report Outreach Director

    Time Commitment variable. Rotating weeks/shifts with the team. Up to two hours before and/or after church services.

    For more info and to sign-up: frankie.johnson@tri-church.com